Lasting recovery from pornography addiction and betrayal trauma
It starts with today

Lasting recovery from pornography addiction and betrayal trauma
It starts with today
Many people are exposed to pornography at a young age.
Were you exposed too early? If so, watch this video. You are not alone in your struggle with pornography.
Service available in all 50 states.
Schedule a free, no obligation consultation with a therapist. Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch shortly to book your appointment.
We specialize in pornography addiction and betrayal trauma recovery.

Share with us where you are and where you want to go. We will give you a clear vision of how your future will be determined by what you do today.

The key to recovery is receiving guidance, insight and support from people who have specific experience and success in healing from this addiction.

Lasting recovery from pornography addition happens when you have given your brain enough time and work to heal from the patterns of addiction.

Receive the support and tools that a true change of heart requires. Watch as the pieces of your life come back together.
Meet one of our therapists, Jed Anderson
Ten years ago, I found myself returning to a cycle I had tried so hard on my own to overcome...

I finally admitted I had an addiction. My internal world was heavy and numb, the weight of it was constantly with me, the only time I escaped the burden of shame, regret and fear was when I was asleep at night.
My wife had discovered my habit and I faced what had felt like an impossible task: to keep my promise to stop viewing pornography. I hated everything about it, and yet there it was. Desperately, I tried to be the person that I portrayed. But I knew this was bigger than me.
My first attempt at therapy was not great, I went to a therapist, not having researched them, and found they didn't have the insight and skill needed to really help. That's when I sought out and found someone who specialized in lust addiction. The difference was like night and day. I found recovery, and my wife found hope. For the next 18 months therapy was a part of our lives. It changed everything and I knew I had found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
I was given weakness, that I might be humble, I was made humble, that I might be made strong.
Now I work exclusively helping people find hope and recovery. I know pornography addiction; inside and out; from study and experience, from the mind and the heart. Attachment rupture and loss of trust are the fruit of this addiction, it is affecting your family and marriage; I understand. The truth is that your miracle of recovery is beautiful and possible.
You can achieve a fulfilling, shameless life, permeated with love and trust. You can heal the attachment ruptures in your life. I am honored to witness this journey in my clients. If you are ready to save your life from the chains of addiction and to witness hope return to your spouses heart, then let's get started.
Receive hope from those who have already found healing from pornography addiction.
“I would highly recommend LDS Hope and Recovery to anyone struggling with an addiction. My sessions have been a big part of my ability to achieve and maintain the sobriety that I have desired for so much of my life.”
- P.C.
“I found that from the start of my association here that I felt at ease and free to express my feelings, fears and concerns. It was a great feeling (almost like a revelation) to know someone who had experienced the difficulties of addiction and had the ability to guide someone with my struggles.”
- W.Y.
"My experience with LDS Hope and Recovery was amazing. It got me started on the path to true, lasting healing from my addiction, and gave me hope that I could get better. It was extremely helpful to have professional help based on LDS principles while still learning about the psychology of addiction and discovering tangible techniques to overcome it."
- Z.S.
*LDS hope and recovery is a private business and is not owned or operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints or LDS Family Services.
Hesitating now is like stopping to consider if you should run out of a burning building.
You watch flames climb the walls and you begin to feel the stifling heat of shame press in on you. Your peace and sensitivity are singed as this distraction begins to do what it does best: consumes. If you haven’t already, you will soon feel the ground shake as your relationships crash to the ground around you. Passion becomes charred. Stability is devoured. Your heart, and the hearts of your loved ones, are scorched.
Much like a fire, left alone, pornography addition will bellow into something hotter, more destructive, and ultimately uncontrollable. The only way to stop it from consuming your entire life is to put it out. Now. Are you ready to feel perfect peace inside again?