We are enlisted, by Jeffrey R. Holland


In the spirit of that remarkably stirring hymn and with Elder Richard G. Hinckley’s eloquent invocation in my heart, I wish to speak rather candidly tonight, brethren, and I include in that candor the young men of the Aaronic Priesthood. When we rehearse the grandeur of Joseph Smith’s First Vision, we sometimes gloss over the menacing confrontation that…

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The Pornography Trap, by Brad Wilcox, Victor Cline

Pornography can be defined in many ways, but in common parlance, it usually means material that is sexually explicit and intended primarily for the purpose of sexual arousal (Cline, 2000). Shortly after Dr. Cline was named an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Utah, he began to expand his private…

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You Can’t Pet a Rattlesnake

Some years ago, Sister Sorensen and I had the privilege of visiting India. At one airport I remember walking across the landing strip and seeing some men sitting in front of wicker baskets, playing flutes. As they started to play the music, they would take the top off the basket and a cobra would appear!…

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Tangled in the Web

Caught in a complex web of emotions and struggles.

  “I just need to get control of my life—the Internet has run my life for months,” I wrote in my journal. I am an active member of the Church—with knowledge of gospel principles and a desire to do what is right. I have a good husband. We were married in the temple and want…

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According to the Desire of [Our] Hearts

Brothers and sisters, the scriptures offer us so many doctrinal diamonds. And when the light of the Spirit plays upon their several facets, they sparkle with celestial sense and illuminate the path we are to follow. Exemplifying this happy reality are the doctrinal teachings concerning desire, which relates so directly to our moral agency and…

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Revelation in a Changing World

Illustration showing struggles addressed by a porn addict therapist for recovery.

Following baptism, one is confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in a brief ordinance, during which there is conferred the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thereafter, all through life, men, women, even little children receive the right to inspired direction to guide them in their lives—personal revelation! (See Alma…

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Focus and Priorities

Dallin H. Oaks

As we approach the conclusion of this wonderful conference, it is timely to ask ourselves what we are going to strive to become because of what we have heard from the Lord’s servants. We are accountable and will be judged for how we use what we have received. This eternal principle applies to all we…

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Finding the Way Back

Richard G. Scott

The purpose of this message is to help many of you find the life you want, not the one you are living. I speak to you who find yourselves caught in a pattern of life that you neither enjoy nor want. You may publicly profess that all is well and reject the efforts of others…

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The Sanctity of Womenhood

Richard G. Scott

There is one title that the First Presidency and the Twelve seldom use, considering it too sacred—that of Apostle. It is in that role that I come to you my beloved priesthood brethren.  I would speak of the sanctity of womanhood. President Hinckley has eloquently captured what the Lord has repeatedly inspired His servants to…

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Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul by Jeffrey R. Holland

Illustration showing struggles tackled by a porn addict therapist for lasting recovery

Why is lust such a deadly sin? Well, in addition to the completely Spirit-destroying impact it has upon our souls, I think it is a sin because it defiles the highest and holiest relationship God gives us in mortality—the love that a man and a woman have for each other and the desire that couple…

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