Qualified Pornography and Sexual Addiction Counseling is now available in Kansas.

Kansas LDS

Addiction Recovery

Are you looking for Qualified Pornography / Sexual Addiction Counseling in Kansas? LDS Hope and Recovery can provide provide counseling in Kansas that will aid you in your recovery process. We offer online counseling with experienced counselors who understand sexual addiction. All of our counselors have considerable training and experience in dealing with and helping those that struggle with this addiction. They can help you and your family find recovery!

We Believe

  • Recovery from Pornography / Sexual addiction is possible.
  • Viewing Pornography is wrong, and causes damage to the soul (body, and spirit) and destroys relationships.
  • God actually gifts recovery as the addict, and the afflicted exercise faith.
  • Qualified counseling is an integral part to understanding the addiction and finding recovery.
  • Pornography / Lust is wrong and destructive
  • Addiction is a disease that requires treatment.
  • Codependents need recovery/treatment as much as the addicts
  • Honesty is always the best policy
  • Sexual sobriety means having no form of sex with self or with anyone other than the spouse.

Your path to recovery can begin today by contacting us!  We can Help!

Abilene, KS 6,268
Andover, KS 10,581
Arkansas City, KS 10,977
Atchison 10,432
Augusta, KS 8,743
Bel Aire 6,873
Bonner Springs 7,248
Chanute 8,738
Coffeyville 10,244
Derby, KS 22,923
Dodge City, KS 25,955
El Dorado, KS 12,643
Emporia, KS 24,868
Eudora, KS 6,260
Fort Riley North 8,114
Fort Scott 7,938
Garden City, KS 28,532
Gardner, KS 17,852
Great Bend, KS 15,652
Hays, KS 20,360
Haysville 10,496
Hutchinson, KS 40,795
Independence, KS 9,198
Junction City, KS 20,932
Kansas City, KS 143,209
Lansing, KS 10,804
Lawrence, KS 92,048
Leavenworth, KS 35,081
Leawood, KS 31,766
Lenexa 48,087
Liberal, KS 20,048
Manhattan, KS 52,836
McPherson 13,323
Merriam 11,132
Mission, KS 9,865
Newton, KS 18,437
Olathe, KS 121,962
Ottawa, KS 12,887
Overland Park, KS 174,907
Park City, KS 8,029
Parsons, KS 10,996
Pittsburg, KS 19,639
Prairie Village 21,703
Pratt, KS 6,315
Roeland Park 7,026
Salina, KS 46,180
Shawnee, KS 61,712
Topeka, KS 124,331
Valley Center, KS 6,638
Wellington, KS 7,677
Wichita, KS 372,186
Winfield, KS 11,148

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