The Whole Armour of God – Protection against Porn Addiction

The above video was produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), several years ago. It is one of my favorites. The message is very humbling, and reminds of the weaknesses that we all face. Satan stands by waiting to attack, and exploit those weaknesses. He is waiting for that moment…

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Why is the Discovery of a Spouses Pornography Addiction so Traumatic?

Geoff Steurer, an LDS therapist offering online counseling services.

Geoff Steurer a LDS Qualifed Counselor, and Lifestar therapist explains why the discovery of a spouses pornography addiction is so traumatic. He uses a wonderful analogy to help explain how a perfectly normal and healthy women can be sent into a tail spin when she is told, or discovers that her husband is addicted to…

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“Healing the Broken Hearted”, Support for Spouses

Healing the Broken Hearted: Support for Spouses

In between conference sessions Deseret Media Companies, KSL and Out in the light aired a wonderful presentation directed towards womens who’s husbands suffer from pornography / sexual addiction. The presentation is extremely positive and filled with valuable stories and professional insights from Jeff T. Ford, LMFT and Geoff Steurer, LMFT. Both of these individuals spend…

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The Gifts of Imperfection – Brene Brown

We wanted to introduce you to a book and author who has gained through research an understanding of some basic humans experiences, that are under extreme attack in today’s society. Overcoming or recovering from the damage caused by this attack is all part of the experience that a husband and wife must go through in…

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Understanding Pornography and Sexual Addiction: A resource for LDS Parents and Leaders.

In Light of the prevalence of pornography addiction, a group of professionals, therapists, and concerned individuals have created this manual. Its purpose is to provide ready access to important information concerning pornography so that parents and leaders can be prepared to address the topic effectively, as directed by the spirit.  It includes Articles, Lessons, answers to over…

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Whatever it takes!

This is a very sobering video, on how “simply” viewing Pornography can impact our lives. Many feel like their “little problem” is not worth addressing, is not worth eliminating because I am the only one involved. This is a lie propagated by the devil himself. God would never condone this behavior. God wants you to…

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What if trials of this life, Are Your mercies in disguise?

We pray for blessings, we pray for peace Comfort for family, protection while we sleep We pray for healing, for prosperity We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering All the while You hear each spoken need Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things ‘Cause what if Your blessings…

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There is hope!

Tessa Winger shares her experiences as she fights Cancer. She shares important and touching insights on how God has guided her and blessed her in this journey. These same insights and blessings are available to those how choose recovery from Pornography / Sexual addiction. There is hope and God is near.

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Testimony of Jesus Christ!

This is a powerful and piercing message about the efforts of the Savior to save all us from our own sins. He walked the path he did for us, so that we don’t have to. We can rely on him to overcome the pain and difficulties of this world. Do you believe? What is your…

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